5 Ways To Keep Your Pet Healthy

pet health wellness

Let’s Talk About Pet Wellness – How do we prolong our pet’s life?

We all want our pets to live forever.  One difficult part of having a pet in our lives is that they do cross the Rainbow Bridge before us.  One of our most important responsibilities as a pet owner is to provide a healthy lifestyle for our animal companion.  Just like us humans, our four legged friends need a healthy diet, exercise, vitamins and possibly as ailments come up—medications. 

So generally speaking for all our furry friends, what should be a recipe for success? The top five ways to keep your pet healthy is:

  • daily exercise
  • proper nutrition
  • supplements/vitamins
  • preventative/proper medications
  • regular check ups.

Get Movin’!

Every pet needs exercise.  According to veterinary experts with VCA Veterinary Hospital Corporation its better to take shorter 20 minute walks through the week than one long 2-hour walk in one day

Playing fetch and interacting with toys is also a great way to get moving and stimulate the mind.  Dogs and cats can benefit from interactive play at home and learning new tricks.  Some new ideas for dog owners would be to switch up your walking route, visit a dog park, buy a new fetching toy.  For cat owners, laser pointers and cat teasers are fun ways to switch things up.  Exercise provides muscle tone, weight management and mental stimulation. 

Mama Feed Me!

Our pets depend on us for proper nutrition and this starts with a good diet and quality food.  Many large store/generic brand foods are equivalent of junk food.  Discuss with a veterinarian healthy food choices, brands and amount to feed.  Treats can be a nice reward for pets; however limiting these “desserts” is important.  Cooking for your pets can also be an option but supplements may be necessary to get the whole proper nutrition for your pet needs.  Also knowing if your pet has allergies to certain grains or proteins is important information to understand.  Pet food allergies can show up in skin reactions, tummy issues and even ear infections. 

Twice as Healthy!

Vitamins, supplements, holistics…oh my!  We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for how to be “more healthy”!  Well the same goes for our pets.  Each pet has different needs…puppies and kittens need more calories, elderly pets need more quality or targeted nutritional needs and other pets may have a deficiency where they need additional supplements.  The best thing to do is speak with a veterinarian about your specific pet’s needs.  There a variety of vitamins/supplements and even herbal/holistic options that can be very beneficial to your pet’s health. 

Proactive not Reactive!

Preventative health measures like all the above discussed are equally important; however preventative medications and homeopathic options are additionally high on the list.  Preventative medications for heartworm, flea/tick control is essential to your pet living a long life.  Discuss with a veterinarian of the “pests” in your region and what medications are necessary.  Homeopathics are gaining more popularity due to healthy lifestyle choices of pet owners.  According to Dr. Tom Farrington, Homeo Pet’s Chief Veterinary Advisor, “Homeopathy does not mask or suppress symptoms but causes a reaction in the body to return natural balance and help the body to work with its own defense mechanisms.” 

Homeopathics can also be great alternatives for pets who refuse to take pills.  Many homeopathic options come in liquid or “sprinkles” that can be put on their daily food. 

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

Well, maybe in our pet’s world an apple doesn’t keep the doctor away; however healthy diet and exercise will surely help.  Although you may be doing all the proper things for your pet to ensure they have daily healthy habits, it is still important to visit your veterinarian for yearly check ups.  Not only to check weight and have a physical exam but also to make sure they are up on all current vaccinations.  Even indoor cats need proper vaccinations to ensure the best long life.  Building a relationship with a veterinarian you can trust is invaluable. 

How to find a good vet?  Getting recommendations from friends/family and check your state veterinary associations for lists of local veterinarians.  Online reviews can be helpful but take with a grain of salt.  Some people who review on sites are not always the best representation of the average client experience.

That’s a Wrap!

Our pets have become much more than an animal we “own”.  They are family members providing us with unconditional love and support.  They depend on us to provide them with shelter and a healthy lifestyle.  And let’s be honest, our lives are better with them in it.  So just as any other member of our household, our furry family members deserve to live their best lives.  Providing them with daily exercise, proper nutrition including vitamins or necessary supplements and preventative care such as medications, vaccinations and check ups are all important. 

The Time Will Come

It is inevitable that one day they will leave us and cross that Rainbow Bridge.  And when that day comes we will be there holding their paws and know that we have done all we can to give them a healthy and loving lifestyle.  Until then, enjoy each day and live your best life!

Help Is Here Now

*If you are currently facing the difficult end of life cycle, you have choices.  Know you are not alone and there are professionals out there to assist you through this difficult time.  At-home options for hospice care, end of life assessments/consultations, in-home euthanasia are important topics to be aware of and understand.  It can be overwhelming and saddening; however being unprepared at end of life can be extremely stressful for not only you and your family but your pet as well. 

Forever Companion serves the Reno, Nevada and Lake Tahoe/surrounding California communities for pet end of life services.  Call them for information or visit their website for services they offer.  Forever Companion also provides a convenient  “on-line vet store” for all your pet’s needs – pet supplies, nutrition, training aids and more. 

CJ Johnson
CJ Johnson

CJ is a guest blogger for Forever Companion.com  She built, owned and operated Eden Memorial Pet Care Inc. before selling the business in 2021.  CJ’s 18 years of experience in pet cremation/memorial industry and as a Certified Pet Bereavement Counselor gives her a wide range of expertise. She now guest blogs and has her own consulting business.